Rethinking how to learn

Over the last few months I’ve had a series on conversations that have made me think that perhaps one of my next tutorials should be on how to watch a tutorial – or perhaps how to take best advantage of a tutorial. For example, in a past seminar I showed a technique to make a movie poster.…

Photoshop is not cheating

Most experienced photographers will tell you to “get it right in the camera”. By that they mean know your camera well enough, and understand the concepts of aperture, shutter speed, ISO and your lens to be able to get the best capture possible in your camera. The other side to that concept is the implication…

When 50% is Good Enough

Back in my college days, there was at least one class that I would have happy to get 50% on an exam. But let’s not go there… This post is about Photoshop and how some people don’t use an automated feature in Photoshop when it doesn’t do the entire job for them. For example, I’ve…

Drobo 5N setup

I this video I recorded “live” as I attempted to follow the instructions and set up the Drobo 5N to use as a networked backup drive. You won’t believe what happens next (I always wanted to write that, but spoiler alert: it worked just fine).  

Little-known – and useful – Photoshop keyboard shortcuts

In a previous post I mentioned the importance of using keyboard shortcuts. Here are some of my favorite little-known Photoshop keyboard shortcuts that are very useful: Select next brush in brush picker= . (period) Select previous brush in brush picker= , (comma) Select first brush in brush picker=Shift-, (Shift-comma) Last brush in brush picker= Shift . (Shift-period) Activate Layer Mask= Command-\ (PC: Control-\)…

The Photoshop Tools you should NOT use

Needless to say, there are almost always multiple ways to do something in Photoshop, and more than one tool to use to get to the same end. On the surface, it might seem like “any” tool is okay to use if it gets the job done, but some are definitely “better choices” than others. And by…

Lightroom May Not be Enough

More and more photographers have embraced Lightroom as their main post production tool. Although I completely understand that thinking – and it’s valid for many photographers – I worry than Photoshop is in danger of becoming the forgotten advantage. If you are in the business of selling your photography services, I’m sure that you’ve run into…

5 Ways to Challenge Yourself as a Photographer

As a photographer, do you ever start feeling like you’re in a bit of a rut? Or perhaps you feel the need to challenge yourself to improve your skills. Maybe you’re just looking for some ideas on stretching your creativity. Here are five simple ideas to challenge yourself as a photographer, both to improve your…

My 10 Favorite Photography Quotes

I’ve been “collecting” quotes about photography for some time, so when I decided to put together this post with my 10 favorites quotes, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. So, after much thought (okay, some thought) here are my 10 favorites (in no particular order): 1. You don’t have to…

The Power of Keyboard Shortcuts

It seems that Photoshop Beginners are often told not to worry about learning keyboard shortcuts until “later” – that using shortcuts is more “advanced”. To some degree that’s true, but at the same time there is a real advantage to starting to gradually add in keyboard commands to save you time. So why bother using keyboard shortcuts? Why not…