Fathers and daughters: why do 2/3 of the population prefer that dads will take family photos

It’s Father’s Day today and accordingly, my email inbox has been deluged with gift ideas for fathers. Even if they are photographically inclined (you might not believe how many press releases I receive that aren’t even in my preferred ball-park) the chances are that they won’t present me with many opportunities to feature them. I was […]

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What the heck is hyperfocal distance?

I often get the feeling that photography is talked and written about as if its practitioners have an innate knowledge of the terms involved. Any craft or profession comes with its own specialist language, but if you’re new to it—and even if you’re not—you can often feel overwhelmed by the terminology, let alone the technicalities […]

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Is it time for Instagram to consider scheduled posting?

The words ‘Instagram’ and ‘schedule’ are not exactly natural bedfellows. The notion of carefully curating and managing posts on a platform that espouses the spontaneity of a Polaroid-like image in a digital format is somewhat conflicted. However, while Instagram might be regarded as the web’s largest repository of cats drinking coffee on fixed wheel bicycles, […]

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Affinity Photo: can it give Adobe a run for its money?

I am currently in the market for a Lightroom replacement. It’s a story involving a dead laptop and Adobe’s business practices, which are simultaneously too mundane and too incendiary to address, so I shall not indulge you with the details. But a Lightroom replacement is a tall order. First, and most obviously because Lightroom’s reputation […]

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The ABC of photography ‘types’

Fox Talbot: Dawn of the Photograph opened at Media Space, part of the Science Museum, in London last week. Using a mixture of images, artefacts, letters, and publications, the exhibition charts the development of photography by William Henry Fox Talbot against the backdrop of his contemporaries. For anyone with a smidgen of interest in the […]

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