Uploaded any photos to Foursquare? They could feature in Airbnb’s new guides.

In April this year Airbnb launched its Neighbourhood guides where locals share their knowledge of where they live to enable people visiting cities from Seoul to San Francisco to get the best experience from their trips. To help illustrate these guides, Airbnb has struck a deal with Foursquare. From now on, photos uploaded to Foursquare […]

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Uploaded any photos to Foursquare? They could feature in Airbnb’s new guides.

In April this year Airbnb launched its Neighbourhood guides where locals share their knowledge of where they live to enable people visiting cities from Seoul to San Francisco to get the best experience from their trips. To help illustrate these guides, Airbnb has struck a deal with Foursquare. From now on, photos uploaded to Foursquare […]

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Uploaded any photos to Foursquare? They could feature in Airbnb’s new guides.

In April this year Airbnb launched its Neighbourhood guides where locals share their knowledge of where they live to enable people visiting cities from Seoul to San Francisco to get the best experience from their trips. To help illustrate these guides, Airbnb has struck a deal with Foursquare. From now on, photos uploaded to Foursquare […]

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The complete photography guide to shooting in museums and galleries

I dropped into the British Museum on Monday and spent a few hours in the Mesopotamian galleries with a brief flit through the Greek and Roman rooms, too. I don’t often take photos in museums—that’s mostly the subject of another article—but there were plenty of people using their phones to take photos of the artefacts […]

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The complete photography guide to shooting in museums and galleries

I dropped into the British Museum on Monday and spent a few hours in the Mesopotamian galleries with a brief flit through the Greek and Roman rooms, too. I don’t often take photos in museums—that’s mostly the subject of another article—but there were plenty of people using their phones to take photos of the artefacts […]

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Can someone snap a photo of me in the street and use it to identify me?

With facial recognition technology you can take pictures of people in the street, run them through publicly available photographs online, and get a match. You would have heard this statement if you had been listening to the 20 September 2016 episode of Seriously on BBC Radio 4, called ‘The Online Identity Crisis’. I only heard […]

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Thinking about closed and open form pictures; or how old art history terms can still be useful

If you were to mention the term ‘formal analysis’ to an art historian today, you’d probably be told it’s passé. No one really tries to objectively compare one painting against another using formal concepts anymore. However, formal analysis—or the concepts that it identified—does still present some interesting ideas, especially for photographers. Swiss art historian Heinrich […]

The post Thinking about closed and open form pictures; or how old art history terms can still be useful appeared first on DIY Photography.