Do you know your photographic repertoire?

Flicking through Michael Freeman’s newest book, Fifty Paths to Creative Photography, in Heffers in Cambridge last week, I was drawn to point 37: ‘Dig into your repertoire.’ According to Freeman, your repertoire is your personal bank of stylistic choices, your favourite way of shooting. He encourages his readers to explore and pinpoint their repertoires and […]

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How effective would a Photoshop traffic light system be on advertising images?

Last week Target announced that its forthcoming swimwear advertising campaign will be Photoshop-free. It’s an approach that I endorse, and I was intrigued to see some of the comments on the article here on DIYPhotography. Don Barnard suggested that having a traffic light system, a little like the nutritional content warnings on food packaging, showing […]

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Is man’s best friend paying the price for social media obsession?

A dog is for life, not just for likes. It’s a variation on the nearly-40-year-old slogan that’s impressed on us every Advent by the people at the Dogs Trust. But now it is becoming ever-more pressing as research conducted by the Blue Cross–another animal charity–suggests that there’s a chunk of people who would predicate their […]

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How would you feel about appearing in a selfie with a deceased loved-one?

How do you feel about the prospect of appearing in a selfie with an avatar of someone who’s not there? Maybe just someone who couldn’t make it to the party. Or perhaps a deceased loved-one? The ability to do this is something that Elrois, a South Korea-based company unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. […]

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How would you feel about appearing in a selfie with a deceased loved-one?

How do you feel about the prospect of appearing in a selfie with an avatar of someone who’s not there? Maybe just someone who couldn’t make it to the party. Or perhaps a deceased loved-one? The ability to do this is something that Elrois, a South Korea-based company unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. […]

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Could the price of a drone be set to rise in the US?

Have a guess for me would you? Guess how many unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, there are in the US? Go on. Toss out a number. Got a figure in mind? Fabulous! Well, according to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) latest figures, released at CES in January, there are over 670,000 UAS on its […]

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Just how invasive is Meitu?

Yesterday afternoon I noticed that my Twitter and Instagram feeds were humming with curiously styled selfies that slimmed faces, lightened skin, and applied a veneer of gloss and sheen that supposedly turned the selfees into animé-like characters. The transformations were courtesy of a Chinese app called Meitu that had suddenly become the height of fashion. […]

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If I want to print a photo, what size does it need to be?

I took the photo just down there from the deck of the ferry that took me from Auckland to the Coromandel Peninsular in New Zealand. My camera was in my lap and in one split second, everything came together to create that image. It looks almost as if I’ve shopped in the cruise liner, doesn’t […]

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Every camera manufacturer runs some kind of ambassador scheme, somehow they don’t really represent women

Most camera manufacturers run ambassador schemes. They vary in their numbers and the precise ways in which they’re run, but the principles seem similar enough: pick a range of photographers who use their gear to promote them to the public. But I’ve a feeling that they could do better. Olympus UK announced its latest crop […]

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