Change Select and Mask back to Refine Edge in CC 2017

Many things have troubled me this past year. Global warming, war, consumerism, my beard that seems to grow ginger past a certain length…..but right above those, at the top of the list is Adobes new Select and Mask feature. Why? Because it just doesn’t work! No matter how many times I try, how many sliders […]

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Be scared to create

Anyone who has read my posts (silence) haha, will know that I am a fan of planning and preparation. I have task sheets, folders, mood boards, sketches, and the list goes on. I always try to make sure that anything that needs planning is set in stone. Although this is usually the best way to […]

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Using both Blender and Photoshop can create the most surreal photos

Domenico Sellaro is a rising talent! A young Digital Artist who specializes in Creative Retouching, and Matte Painting. He began to teach himself Photoshop in 2008, but has since taught himself how to use 3D programs like Sculptris and Blender too. During these years he has been selected for international exhibitions, become featured in the Wacom gallery online, and received features […]

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How to add extra details in a photo after the shot using Photoshop

When creating images its always good to add some extra details just to keep things interesting. I recently shot a cover feature for alternative lifestyle magazine, Proper eye candy, with Madison Phoenix. The plan was to shoot some moody images using gels. I also wanted smoke, but alas, at the time I didn’t have a […]

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Photographers create fantasy image in ancient fairy woods

Recently me and Joseph Parry got to collaborate with lighting equipment company Pixapro, on a promotional shoot to showcase how their equipment can be used on location, and in various environments. The Maiden is the first of these shoots. Shoots can be born in many ways, The Maiden was birthed from an idea I had a […]

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Creating stylish cinematic portraits with the Light Blaster

I recently got my hands on a Light blaster. The Light Blaster Is a strobe-based image projector. Basically it’s a slide projector. You can select and project still images onto any physical space. They claim “unlimited possibilities for creative freedom“, so I thought I’d take it for a spin.  It is seriously one cool piece of kit […]

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Wanna start with Photoshop? These are the three books you need to read!

With so much information in the world, sometimes it can be hard for newcomers to sift through the noise when they want to learn how to use Photoshop. For me, I started by purchasing the software. I tried to work out what each tool did, then realised I was getting nowhere…although I did manage to somehow to […]

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