The battle is over – my Micro 4/3 camera outsold my full frame DSLR in image sales

The battle is over, and full frame cameras have lost the race. Here’s why: I’ve been selling photos through a high end stock agency for the last two years. In my collection are images from a full frame DSLR, an APS-C DSLR, and several Micro 4/3rds cameras. After tallying my sales for an entire year, […]

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How to Capture Extraordinary Flower and Insect Photos

The spectacular, vibrant patterns that both flowers and insect life offer provide us with an endless array of photographic opportunities. The experience is both peaceful and solitary, allowing one to slow down and connect with the subtle details of nature. Rather than settling for static compositions, my goal is to further accentuate

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How to Capture Extraordinary Flower and Insect Photos

The spectacular, vibrant patterns that both flowers and insect life offer provide us with an endless array of photographic opportunities. The experience is both peaceful and solitary, allowing one to slow down and connect with the subtle details of nature. Rather than settling for static compositions, my goal is to further accentuate

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The Top 10 Secret Ingredients of Professional Photography Revealed

Great photography is about so much more than shutter speeds and aperture. It also goes well beyond today’s latest high end camera. These things are still helpful of course, but the truth is, there are a number of common characteristics that many professional photographers have. By studying these and applying them to your own process, it’s possible to grow creatively, and come one step closer to achieving your goals and dreams.

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7 Tricks to Sports and High-Speed Action Photography

Photographing subjects in action is one of the most challenging but rewarding aspects of photography. With little time to think, and no room for error, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with these types of high speed situations. There are seven tricks however, that everyone can use to improve their percentage of keepers right away.  

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10 Simple Steps to Better Wildlife Photography

Creating a beautiful image of an elusive creature is an exciting challenge for all nature photographers. Unlike the controlled environments common in zoos and farms, wildlife is fleeting and unpredictable. Since most opportunities last for just a few s…