Restoring My MacBook Pro Back to Life With The Drobo 5N

Having a backup plan for your data is great, but the real test comes when you have to actually restore your information from that backup in the unfortunate event of a computer failure. That test came for me a few weeks ago, when my 2012, 15 inch MacBook Pro completely froze on me one morning.…

Hand-Painting Enhancements in Photoshop

The creative thinking required for photography often intersects with the creativity required for painting. When experimenting with your own style, it’s often helpful to let yourself explore a bit. One thing I sometimes like to do is enhance my creative images with simple hand-painting in Photoshop. It’s fun, and teaches me skills I can tuck…

The Problem Solving Show | Photofocus Podcast July 11, 2016

Get the show here or get it on iTunes — Don’t forget to post a review on iTunes. In this episode of the Problem Solving show, Scott Bourne and Pepper discuss the problems photographers face. They then offer solutions to help solve these problems. In today’s episode, they discuss the importance of having the right…

How To Create a Realistic Backdrop In Photoshop

Recently I completed a set of studio headshots against a plain, black background. Afterwards in the editing stage, I decided I wanted my subjects to definitely pop more. After kicking myself for not utilizing more lights or a more engaging backdrop, I decided to create my own traditional-style backdrop in Photoshop that would help my…

3 Quick Ways to Spice Up Your Portraits With Angles

When you are taking a client or friend’s portrait, your job is to make them look as good as possible. It’s also your job to infuse their portrait with a certain feeling that is appropriate to the person and the moment. Varying your angle is one way to quickly and easily transform a moderately interesting…

The Power of Video As a Marketing Tool

Recently, I threw a business head shot party, complete with music, refreshments, and mingling for the local businesses in my Port Huron, Michigan area. It was the first time I’d ever thrown such an event, and so I had a strong desire to have it documented. The decision to hire an assistant to take some…