Don’t Choose A Unique Style: Finding Your Voice in a Noisy Room

For years, I battled choosing a niche and style. Everyone will tell you to pick a niche if you want to find success, but I was resistant. In hindsight, I realize it was because I hadn’t found the right niche. And I wouldn’t have found it by choosing, I found it by doing some of […]

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Photographs Are Made With Light, Not Sensors and Tech

Great light is what creates great images What makes a photograph is not the camera sensor, or the autofocus system, or the depth of field. Photographs are made with light. I’m as guilty as the next person when it comes to pixel peeping. I’ve gone through my share of acute episodes of G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition […]

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The Value of A Professional Photographer, or, “Can I Have All the Unedited Photos?”

Every photographer has gotten the question after a successful shoot: “The photos look great, but can I get the rest of them just in case I need them later? You don’t need to edit them or anything.” If you’re here for the short answer, the answer is no, but it’s important to me for people […]

The post The Value of A Professional Photographer, or, “Can I Have All the Unedited Photos?” appeared first on DIY Photography.