Extension tubes open up a whole new world of photography!

With travel photography, one of the issues is prioritising equipment. You simply can’t carry everything you could possibly want to bring. If you do then it often hampers the overall travel experience as you’re weighed down by equipment and have to constantly look after it. For me, on my current trip that meant I couldn’t […]

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I am documenting a 7,000 kilometers paraflight with a flock of swans – this is my kit

Hello my name is Ben Cherry, I’m an environmental photojournalist and Fujifilm X-Photographer. Currently I am midway through a groundbreaking conservation expedition called Flight of The Swans. The project is hoping to raise awareness of the Bewick’s swan, which has a declining European population, that all sounds pretty normal for a conservation project, but here’s […]

The post I am documenting a 7,000 kilometers paraflight with a flock of swans – this is my kit appeared first on DIY Photography.