This cheat sheet shows every single profile photo size for every social media platform

Social media platforms seem to change their image sizes pretty much every time you login. And every time that happens, photographers everywhere have to scour the internet searching for the new sizes. You just know that facebook is going to CRASH your photo if you don’t feed it the exact right size. Well, here’s some […]

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Looney Tunes, Elmer Fudd was originally a photographer

Be vewwwy, vewwy quiet… I’m hunting wabbits! Show of hands: who remembers this phrase? You will, if you spent your childhood (okay, and eventually bits of your not-so-childhood too…) watching Looney Tunes’ “Bugs Bunny“. But did you know Elmer Fudd – famously known for trying to shoot Bugs Bunny – was originally only trying to shoot […]

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The KONO! Donau from lomography is an Ultra-slow ISO 6 35mm film

Looking for something new for your film camera? Look no further: Lomography have just announced a new limited-edition KONO! Donau 35mm film: This limited edition, hand-rolled film is available in extremely limited quantities and only available through Lomography. Because Donau is made out of material used in post-production that isn’t typically used in cameras, it gives your photos a […]

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Shooting a College Football game through the eyes of a GoPro

Reddit user “ZoidbergRage” took a simple hotshoe mount adapter (like this one), mounted his GoPro to his DLSR and shot a college football game. In the Reddit thread dedicated to this video, he describes the lighting conditions as terrible: There were terrible lighting conditions so I shot in manual. It was dark clouds for 10 minutes then bright direct sunlight for […]

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Affordable HyperCam reveals What’s Under Your Skin

The ability to see under the human skin is something that we are more used to finding in superhero cartoons, sci-fi movies, or really expensive medical equipment. With the HyperCam, that might be about to change – and in a potentially affordable way. Our eyes have always been able to operate much better than our consumer camera […]

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Scott Kelly Is The American Astronaut Living The Most Time In Space And He Shoots Amazing Images Of Earth

Have you ever seen the Sahara desert from space? Chances are you already have, but never as spectacular as in the amazing images Astronaut Scott Kelly has been posting to his Instagram and Twitter feeds directly from the International Space Station. Last Friday, October 16, 2015, Kelly broke the record for the longest cumulative time for an American Astronaut living […]

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