How to balance ambient light with flash

Many camera and flashgun combinations do a great job of producing images with exposure that’s nicely balanced automatically in a wide range of situations, but if you want to take more creative images or be able to assume control when the automated systems fail, you need to understand how to do the work yourself. Here, we explain how to balance flash with ambient light.

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When to use high ISO settings on your camera

There are times when a low sensitivity setting is the best option, but the fear of creating noisy images makes some photographers avoid high ISO settings like the plague. However, they can be extremely useful and enable some fantastic quality images. To help overcome this fear we’re going to take a look at sensitivity and… Continue reading

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When to use high ISO settings on your camera

There are times when a low sensitivity setting is the best option, but the fear of creating noisy images makes some photographers avoid high ISO settings like the plague. However, they can be extremely useful and enable some fantastic quality images. To help overcome this fear we’re going to take a look at sensitivity and… Continue reading

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Sony lenses explained: which lenses to use on which cameras

With two different camera mounts and two different sensor sizes, plus a camera brand name change in 2013, there’s some confusion about which Sony lenses can be used on which cameras. Fear not, here’s everything you need to know about Sony lens compatibility, along with an explanation of Sony camera types.

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10 Photoshop mistakes photographers make (and how to avoid them)

Thanks to the change to a subscription system that costs £8.57/$9.99 per month, more photographers than ever before have access to one of the most powerful image editing software packages available, Adobe Photoshop. However, all that power brings the ability to get things wrong. Let’s take a look at 10 of the most common mistakes made by photographers when using Photoshop.

The post 10 Photoshop mistakes photographers make (and how to avoid them) appeared first on Digital Camera World.