Should the Media Use Official Portraits When Reporting Misconduct?

Two police officers in Georgia were fired after videos showing them brutally beating a motorist spread like a wildfire on social media. A criminal investigation has been initiated over their conduct, and photos of the two officers have emerged in the media. The official police portraits from the Gwinnett County Police paint a radically different […]

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These celebrities are serious about their photography

Everyone is a photographer, and that includes celebrities. But some celebrities take their photography more seriously than others, investing both significant time and money into developing their craft. Here’s a small sampling. Jeff Bridges The Dude photographs! Jeff Bridges is well-known for his on-set photography using a Widelux camera. The panoramic images have become somewhat […]

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Who Shot It Better? Donald Trump: Christopher Anderson or Nadav Kander

Donald Trump presents an interesting case for portrait photography and its use on magazine covers. Prior to his presidential run, he was known as an outspoken businessman and reality television star whose bombastic style brought in yuge ratings for “The Apprentice.” Prior to the presidency, photographers and photo editors played to that persona with covers […]

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The new Sigma 14mm f/1.8DG Art – Is it an astrophotographer’s dream lens?

When it comes to taking photos of stars, the best camera/lens combos are the ones that capture the most light. Some photographers like to use the earth’s rotation to create star trails, but many other photographers like their stars to appears as points of light. For enthusiasts who haven’t invested in tracking hardware (systems that […]

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Photographing the President: an overview and interesting facts about all presidential photographers

The importance of presidential photography cannot be understated in today’s visual world. Although the bulk of photography since the inception of regular presidential photography in the 1950s still consists of “grip and grin” photo ops, White House photographers have sought to capture a more intimate look at the leader of the free world. Press access […]

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The perils of “creative documentary photography”

Eyebrows were raised in the photojournalism community yesterday when World Press Photo  – an industry stalwart – announced the creation of a new contest that would “not have rules limiting how images are produced.” The contest would allow staged and manipulated images – dubbed “creative documentary photography” – in support of contemporary storytelling. One the one hand, […]

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5 Myths of Digital Photography

Myths and misconceptions persist because they’re either compelling or no one bothers to correct them. For photographers, many myths of digital photography arose when trying to draw imperfect analogies to film photography. Given the complex physics behind digital imaging, it’s not totally surprising that some myths persist, but here are a few you might want to […]

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This Camera Ensures a Photo Finish at the Olympics

Since 1932, vaunted Swiss watchmaker Omega has served as Official Timekeeper at the Olympic Games 26 times. This year at the Rio Olympics, Omega is once again providing finish line cameras to provide officials and the public with the most precise view of the athletes. The current generation of cameras, dubbed the Scan ‘O’ Vision […]

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All hail the video portrait

In an April 2016 interview, Mark Zuckerberg told Buzzfeed News, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you fast-forward five years and most of the content that people see on Facebook and are sharing on a day-to-day basis is video.” Given the proliferation of video features available on millions of smartphones – from image stabilization to incredible […]

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Your Opinion of Steve McCurry Doesn’t Matter

On April 3, The New York Times Magazine photography critic Teju Cole penned a piece largely dismissing the work of renown photographer Steve McCurry. The piece caused a minor ruckus in photography circles with people (like myself) writing in his defense, while others castigated his imperialist eye and amplified whispers of staged scenes. Just when the […]

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