4k / cinema camera / NAB / NAB 2017 / Panasonic

Panasonic Teases a New Cinema Camera Above the GH5

Off to the side of Panasonic’s booth at NAB 2017, a display showcased Panasonic’s cinema camera lineup from the high end Varicam Pure down to the GH5. But there was a new mystery camera in between the GH5 and Varicam LT.

The camera is covered under a white cloth and you can see the camera sillouhette in Panasonic’s teaser image. Below the image, Panasonic offers five bullet points for the upcoming camera:

  • Cinematic image quality
  • Small and light
  • Low-cost media and workflow
  • Previewed at Cine Gear Expo
  • Fall release

Panasonic Varicam LT

At a minimum, we know that the GH5 specs are the baseline for the new camera. Based on the size and shape of the camera and lens under the cloth, this looks like a super 35 sensor camera and could very well end up with a Canon EF mount option like the Varicam LT.

I suspect it will compete along the same lines with the Sony FS7 and the Canon C300 Mark II.

Sony FS7

If not a true replacement, it should be the spiritual successor to the Panasonic AF100. It will probably be priced in that $5,000 to $10,000 range.

The Cinegear Expo happens the first week of June, so we should know more in just over a month. Stay tuned.

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