Fuji / Fujifilm / GFX 50S / lens roadmap / Lenses, / medium format / roadmap

Fuji Unveils New GF 110mm f/2 and 23mm f/4 Medium Format Lenses, Updated Roadmap and Firmware

Fujifilm just announced a pair of new lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera – the GF 110mm f/2 R LM WR (87mm equivalent in 35mm format) and the GF 23mm f/4 R LM WR (18mm equivalent).

The new 110mm should make a stunning portrait lens on the medium format camera with an incredible f/2 max aperture, while the new 23mm lens offers an ultra-wide option for the landscape GFX 50S shooters.

The GF 110mm f/2 R LM WR will retail $2799.95, while the GF 23mm f/4 R LM WR will retail for $2599.95. Both lenses will be available in late June.

In addition to the new announced lenses, Fuji also unveiled a new GF lens development roadmap that feature the additions of a telephoto prime lens and a teleconverter due in early 2018. And we still have the 45mm f/2.8 R WR lens due out later this year.

Finally, Fuji announced a free firmware update for the GFX 50S later this spring that will add new features, including Wi-Fi tethering, along with improvements to exposure compensation and AF performance.

It looks like Fuji is carrying over its rabid support that has grown on users of the X-Series mirrorless cameras over to the new medium format system.

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