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Reader Photos Roundup: April 9, 2017

a dewy morning

We’re back again with another installation of our roundup of reader photos from the Photography Bay Flickr Group.

Snowed in

Abstracto. Caprices of nature

looking forward to being at the back..


- revoir un printemps -

New Zealand


The Great Wall


Combining Orange&Blue

Barn And Birch Under The Spring Sky


Gwastadnant - March 14th

morning fog

Morning Guest 3


LIBYA - Akakus desert


Doggie Crossing :-)

Black & White Architecture

Morning on Charles Bridge

Course folle



Cascade between rocks. Cascada entre rocallas

Lomagnupur, iceland


Made in Japan (mostly).

20170408-Malham Tree

warehouse windows in Bay City

Clicking on the photos will take you to its Flickr page where you can read more about the shot, leave a compliment or connect with the photographer.

As always, thanks for being a part of Photography Bay and sharing your work with the rest of us.

If you missed out on this round of reader photos, feel free to join in on the fun and add your photos to the Photography Bay Flickr Group and maybe we’ll get you next time.

*Note: You must allow image embedding from your Flickr account if you want your images to be selected for the weekly photo roundup. We only embed from Flickr so you have full control of if/when your images are displayed. You are welcome to contribute images to the group without them appearing on Photography Bay; however, embedding must be turned on to share them here.

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