
More X100F!

We’ve still been shooting with the Fuji X100F everyday during our trip (follow us on Instagram here).

This is a bit of a round up post.

Lauren also did a video on her thoughts on using the camera embedded below:

More Sample Photos

Finally, here are several more photos we’ve taken with the camera over the past couple weeks:

Final Thoughts

We’re loving this camera. And once our loan is up from Fuji it will be a camera that we add to our tool kit. In the short time that we’ve had it it has become indispensable.

It’s an expensive camera – there’s no argument. But it’s cheaper than similar alternatives – and arguably offers more value. At USD$1299 it’s not the best choice as a beginner camera. But if you love photography, and you’re looking for a camera that you can take with you everywhere, everyday, while being completely unburdensome AND a total joy to use – then this is definitely a camera worth your attention.

The Fuji X100F is available for pre-order:

The camera comes in silver/black and all black. I kind of want one of each. We’re shooting with the silver one right now which looks super sharp. But the all black is so stealthy.

One final tip. We’re using a custom Gordy’s camera strap with the X100F and we’re thrilled with it. It’s a beautiful minimalist leather camera strap that  just gets out of the way (see the very first photo for a bit of a glimpse of it).

If you have any questions about the X100F leave them in the comments below – I’ll do my best to answer them. And let me know which color you would get!

The post More X100F! appeared first on Photography Concentrate.