checklist / Inspiration / landscape photography / landscape photography tips

Checklist for landscape photographers: 27 points you shouldn’t forget

Has it happened to you that you arrive on location for landscape shots and realize you forgot to do or bring something? Landscape photographer Toma Bonciu has created a checklist of things you mustn’t forget if you are into landscape photography. Where I come from, we have the expression: “A smart man writes it down; […]

The post Checklist for landscape photographers: 27 points you shouldn’t forget appeared first on DIY Photography.

checklist / Inspiration / landscape photography / landscape photography tips

Checklist for landscape photographers: 27 points you shouldn’t forget

Has it happened to you that you arrive on location for landscape shots and realize you forgot to do or bring something? Landscape photographer Toma Bonciu has created a checklist of things you mustn’t forget if you are into landscape photography. Where I come from, we have the expression: “A smart man writes it down; […]

The post Checklist for landscape photographers: 27 points you shouldn’t forget appeared first on DIY Photography.