100-400mm / 135mm / 14mm / 24-70mm / lens / Lenses, / Sigma

Sigma Unveils Four New Gorgeous Lenses

Sigma 14mm f1.8 Art

Sigma announced four new lenses last week that have us drooling a bit. The new quartet of lenses include:

Sigma continues its roll with these new offerings.

The ultra-wide/ultra-bright 14mm f/1.8 lens shares a large aspherical element with the Sigma 12-24mm f/4 Art lens. That wide-open f/1.8 aperture will surely be a boon to full frame astrophotographers, while it also finds a home in the bags of plenty landscape and architecture photographers.

Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 Art

We knew another 24-70mm f/2.8 lens would be coming at some point. This lens should challenge the best from Canon and Nikon. If history has shown us anything, it should also challenge the first-party non-OS lenses in price as well.

Sigma 100-400mm Lens

The new 100-400mm brings back a push-pull zoom design immediately beckons the question of whether it will be known as a “dust sucker” like Canon’s old 100-400mm zoom model. With a dimmer f/5-6.3 aperture range, it manages to be both smaller and lighter than the comparable Canon model. Whenever final pricing is announced, I suspect that it will be substantially cheaper as well.

Sigma 135mm f1.8 Art

Finally, the 135mm f/1.8 Art lens should be a hit for portraits. That f/1.8 aperture should turn backgrounds into butter as a longer portrait lens option.

All of the lenses are full frame compatible. Mount options include Canon, Nikon and Sigma. The also work with Sigma’s MC-11 Sony E-mount converter. Pricing and availability has yet to be announced. Although, you can find them all here at B&H Photo.

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