Reading, PA is within easy reach of Baltimore, Philly, New York and Intercourse. So if you are looking for something to do on the last weekend in March, there is a whole three-day roster planned with concurrent seminars, workshops, shooting sessions, etc.
My afternoon talk will be a similar approach to that of The Flash Bus tour back in 2011. (Evolved a bit, of course.) So if you missed that, now’s your chance to get a few hour’s worth of start-from-zero flash photography firehose. It’s suitable for beginner through intermediate level lighting photographers, so please do not be intimidated by the planned pace.
I am but a Saturday afternoon cog in the three-day weekend machine. There are lots of other things going on, with multiple instructional paths from which to choose happening at once. The entire three-day weekend is $169, but you can get 10% off by using the coupon code “dynamic.”
The seats are opened to their membership first, so if you want to attend I would get on it sooner rather than later. Full info is here.
Hope to see you there. I’ll be the guy in shorts.