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Think Tank Photo Unveils a New Commuter Jet Roller Bag and 3DR Solo Backpack


Think Tank Photo launched a pair of new bags last week. The Airport Advantage is the company’s first roller bag designed for carrying photo gear aboard a commuter aircraft. Even though it is designed as a more compact roller, it carries quite a bit of gear, which can include:

  • 1 gripped DSLR with lens attached
  • 1 standard DSLR with lens attached
  • 3-4 additional lenses
  • 15″ laptop


The new Airport Advantage bag is available direct from Think Tank Photo for $249.75.


The other new bag from Think Tank Photo is the Airport Helipak for 3DR Solo, which is designed (as you may have guessed) to carry a 3DR Solo, along with up to a 17″ laptop and other accessories.


The Airport Helipak for 3DR Solo is available for $199.75. Check it out here at Think Tank Photo.

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