5D Mark IV / Canon / canon rumors / Rumors

Canon 5D Mark IV Getting a 30MP Sensor?

5D Mark IV Rumor PB

New rumors suggest that the Canon 5D Mark IV could get a 30MP full frame sensor. Previous rumors has slotted a 24MP or 28MP sensor in the 5D Mark III‘s replacement.

Of course, many more rumors could come and go between now and the expected August 25 announcement date. This latest info comes from a tip over at Canon Rumors, which also points out the marketing convenience of a 30MP sensor when sandwiched between the 5Ds, 1D X Mark II and 6D Mark II models. At 30MP, the camera wouldn’t step on any toes and would give other models room to grow without becoming redundant.

Does a 30MP sensor matter to you when considering a 28MP, 24MP or 22MP option?

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