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Our Recommended Video Gear


Good news! If you’ve been wracking your brain over what gear to use for making awesome videos, we’ve got you covered. We just published a whole page with all of our Recommended Video Gear right here, and it has everything from cameras, lenses, audio equipment, stabilization equipment, accessories, and more. It will spare you countless hours of research, and save you money with some helpful tips on what you do and don’t actually need!

Most of the gear on the page is the actual equipment we use ourselves, so it’s been thoroughly researched and tested. Good show. So go check it out, and enjoy!

If you’re interested in learning more about making videos with this snazzy gear, we have a whole tutorial on that coming out next month! Sign up for our newsletter list here to be notified as soon as it is released! Yay!

(P.S. Looking for our recommended photography gear? We’ve got a whole page of that too, right here!)

The post Our Recommended Video Gear appeared first on Photography Concentrate.