mirrorless / Nikon / nikon rumors / Rumors

Nikon Full Frame Mirrorless Rumors


A proper Nikon mirrorless camera has been in the rumor mill and wish lists since the Nikon 1 series was first announced. While no hard specs are being tossed around, the chatter about a large sensor Nikon mirrorless camera has increased in recent weeks.

Recent rumors have pointed to a possibility of a release at Photokina in September 2016 but no specifics have been rumored or leaked to date. However, Nikon would certainly stir the pot if it dropped a mirrorless bombshell this fall.

Nikon Rumors points out that a new Nikon camera was just registered with the Indonesian communications agency. Of course, that could be another camera as well but it does add another thread to the narrative.

How many Nikon shooters are interested in a full frame mirrorless camera? What are your must-haves or wish list items for such a camera?

Stay tuned.

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