Canon / EF-M / EOS M / flash / lens / macro

Canon Unveils EF-M 28mm f/3.5 MACRO IS STM Lens with Built-in Flash

Canon EF-M 28mm f3.5 Macro IS STM lens

Canon has just announced an interesting new macro lens. The Canon EF-M 28mm f/3.5 MACRO IS STM lens is the first macro lens for the EOS M camera system and also the first to feature a built-in Macro Lite flash around the front lens element.

Canon EF-M 28mm f3.5 Macro IS STM lens light

The new macro lens offers 1:1 magnification and can even deliver 1.2x magnification in a new Super Macro Mode. It features the same hybrid IS as found in the EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM lens and uses the STM stepping motor that is common in the EOS M system.

Canon EF-M 28mm f3.5 Macro IS STM lens front

The new Canon EF-M 28mm f/3.5 MACRO IS STM lens retails for $299.99 and should be available in June 2016. Check it out here at B&H Photo.

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