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ON1 Unveils Photo RAW; a Lightning-Fast Image Editor

ON1 Photo RAW

We’ve all been waiting for someone to bring some competition to Adobe Lightroom and it looks like ON1 may be up to the task. There are other options out there but nothing has really given Adobe a run for its money . . . yet.

ON1 has announced the new ON1 Photo RAW image processing app with fast processing speed at the top of the spec sheet. ON1 has reinvented the RAW processor from the ground up with modern, high-resolution cameras in mind.

ON1 claims that Photo RAW will open 50MP RAW files in a fraction of a second on a standard PC or Mac and that edits to these large files happen in real-time, without slider lag or waiting for redraw. Check out the speed demo video below.

ON1 has been working on Photo RAW for years and has put in the customary re-editable adjustments such as exposure, contrast, color, shadows and highlights. Additionally, ON1 Photo RAW offers more precise non-destructive effects and portrait retouching.

ON1 Photo RAW Develop

The complex filters found in ON1 Effects and ON1 Portrait-including Lens Blur, Skin Retouching, Dynamic Contrast, HDR Look and many more-are all available in Photo RAW’s non-destructive workflow. The controls found in ON1 Photo RAW will also respond in real-time by leveraging modern video cards, using the latest versions of OpenGL and OpenCL.

ON1 Photo RAW will include built-in layers, brushes, and advanced masking tools. Photo RAW can work as a standalone app, as a plug-in for Lightroom or an extension for Apple Photos. Photo RAW can also act as a standalone host for the Google Nik Collection (which is now free – in case you haven’t heard).

ON1 Photo RAW will be available this fall. It will be be part of the ON1 Plus Pro Membership at $149.99 per year. ON1 Photo 10 users will also get the chance to upgrade at a (yet-to-be-announced) reduced price. The subscription model from ON1 gives you a perpetual license, so even if you cancel the membership, you still have an active software license. You can learn more about ON1 Photo RAW here at

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