Canon / cinema camera / ME200S-SH / NAB 2016

Canon ME200S-SH is a New $5K Multi-purpose Camera

Canon ME200S-SH-4

Following the release of the ME20F-SH (and the new Cinema Kit option), Canon unveiled its little brother ME200S-SH a few days ago. While the ME20F-SH runs about $20K, the new ME200S-SH is available for $5K.

Canon ME200S-SH-2

In a world that continues to move toward 4K capture and viewing, Canon continues to release HD camera after HD camera and the ME200S-SH is the latest. It features an 8.2MP Super 35 format CMOS sensor that will capture up to 1080/60p video.

Canon ME200S-SH-3

Canon feels that the camera will have plenty of users across a range of industries, including cinema, television, sports and live events, among others. The ME200S-SH features an EF lens mount and includes both Canon Log and Wide DR Gamma. It offers a max sensitivity of ISO 204,800.

It offers 3G-SDI and HDMI outputs for capturing footage on external devices. It also has built-in 1/8 and 1/64 ND filters.

Canon ME200S-SH

The new ME200S-SH should be available in August 2016 and is available for pre-order here at B&H Photo.

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