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How to stop mirror bounce on Canon and Nikon DSLRS

If you’re consistently getting blurry shots, even when using a tripod, you are probably experiencing a common photography problem called mirror bounce.

Mirror bounce is caused by the mirror flipping up and unsettling the camera just as the shot is about to be taken.

Any movement on the part of the camera will cause blurred results in macro shooting, especially when you’re not using the short pulse of light from a flash to freeze motion.

You’ll find that even if you use a remote controller to operate the camera, so that you’re not actually touching it, mirror-bounce will still degrade the sharpness of the results.

Most DSLRs feature a Mirror Lock-up facility or an Exposure Delay mode to fix the problem. Here’s how they work on many current Canon and Nikon DSLRs…

Avoid mirror bounce on Canon DSLRs

How to stop mirror bounce on Canon DSLRS: step 1

01 Mirror Lock Up
Current Canon DSLRs have Mirror Lock-up in the Custom Functions menu. Set this to Enable, then do the following…

How to stop mirror bounce on Canon DSLRS: step 2

02 Self-timer
Select Self-timer with a two-sec delay. This gives the camera a chance to settle. You could also use Mirror Lock-up with a remote control.

Avoid mirror bounce on Nikon DSLRs

How to stop mirror bounce on Nikon DSLRS: step 1

01 Exposure Delay mode
Most Nikon DSLRs have an Exposure Delay mode in Custom Settings. This delays shooting for about a second after the mirror flips up.

How to stop mirror bounce on Nikon DSLRS: step 2

02 Mirror Up
This can be found in Nikon’s Drive modes. For remote shooting, set Remote Mirror-up in the Remote Control part of the Shooting menu.


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