discontinued / NX1 / NX500 / Samsung

Samsung NX is Fading: NX500 Discontinued, NX1 on Life Support


We have all pretty much accepted it now. Samsung and its mirrorless camera system is dead in the water. The Samsung NX500 that is barely a year old is now discontinued.

It had a solid spec sheet and plenty of positive reviews as one of the first 4K mirrorless cameras – especially at that $800 retail price point.

Samsung NX1

The even more impressive Samsung NX1 continues to lumber along at reduced prices that come and go. Currently, the NX1 with the 16-50mm power zoom lens is going for $1199. It was originally $1699 and then recently dropped to $1299. While it’s on backorder B&H, it looks like they are still accepting orders at this price. Currently, this would be my only “buy” recommendation in the NX1 options.

The NX1 body has stabilized around $1199, so that’s not really a great deal at the moment, considering that it was recently $1099. Also, hold off on picking up the NX1 with the 16-50mm f/2-2.8 lens for $2799. It was recently $2199 and should hit some bargain prices again before it finally dies off.

The NX1 is a solid camera and that 16-50mm f/2-2.8 lens is pretty sexy. If you can live with the rest of the lens limitations for the NX line, you may be able to pick of a nice camera that will last a few years on the cheap soon.

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