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My 5 Favorite Resources in the 5DayDeal

So, my friend, how do you feel about running a photography business?

It’s kind of a crazy thing, isn’t it?

Being a professional photographer is a dream job. But running a business? Well, that’s not quite so dreamy. If you’re like me, you kind of wish all the businessy stuff would go away, and you could just focus on taking photos!

But ignoring the business stuff, and hoping it will just take care of itself? I’ll tell you right now: that’s unfortunately a pretty surefire recipe for failure…

Don’t panic though. The business stuff that’s so scary? It’s just scary because it’s unknown. It’s different than the artsy stuff. But that doesn’t have to mean it can’t be done. It doesn’t mean it has to be hard. And, dare I say it, it can even be FUN!

No one is born being good at business. This is a learned skill. And if I can learn this stuff, and even enjoy doing it, I promise you anyone can.

So how does one achieve such magical mythical wonderment – a successful business that is enjoyable to run?

By learning the ropes from folks who have already figured it out. By skipping a lot of the painful trial and error mistakes, and getting straight to the good stuff – the best practices.

One of the scariest things about business for me was not even knowing what I should know. Not realizing that there were better ways to do things. Not understanding how my choices were affecting my business and my clients.

So today I’m pretty excited to be part of something that aims to help photographers eliminate all that fear and uncertainty. Something that combines the knowledge of 22 of the industry’s top educators, across an incredibly diverse spectrum of topics, to give you a COMPLETE business education.

That special something is called the 5DayDeal Completely Photography Business Bundle. In it you’ll find 27 resources – eBooks, videos, worksheets, tools and templates – with a retail value of over $1,900+, on sale (for 5 days) for only $87. That’s 95% off. When does that even happen??

And as if that wasn’t wonderful enough, 10% of the purchase price from each sale go to four carefully chosen charities. You’ll get an amazing deal, and help others in the meantime. Good, right?

My 5 Favorite Resources in the Bundle

So to give you an idea of what this bundle has, I’m going to highlight my 5 favorite resources. With 27 in total, I can’t run through them all, or it would take all the space in your little inbox! But here are a few that I think you’ll find incredibly helpful because, well, I found them incredibly helpful! Truly. It blows my mind, in the most fantastic way, to see just how knowledgeable these folks are.

#1. Autofocus Marketing Calendar

by Sarah Petty of the Joy of Marketing (Reg. $229.00)

Here’s the deal: marketing is one of the most important things for your business. It’s the starting line. It’s how you tell people about the awesome work you do! But if you don’t market? And no one knows about what you do? Well, I think I don’t have to spell out what happens then…

Now, I always thought that there were one or two things to do in order to market my business. Then I opened up Sarah’s eBook and saw the title: “21 Marketing Activities Every Photographer Should Be Doing”. Oh. I see. Well, looks like I have a lot more marketing to get on!

Luckily this resource not only lays that all out for you, in both an easy to follow, and totally gorgeous way, but it also gives you an actual calendar to help you plan out how to make it happen! I love things that both give you the information, and the tools to make it happen!

#2. Pricing for Profit

by Bryan Caporicci (Reg. $29.00)

Pricing has always scared me, until I learned that it’s not about making up a number and hoping it’s the right one, but rather following some straight forward steps to finding the price that works for you.

And that’s what Bryan’s book is all about. Teaching you those steps, and making sure you totally understand why you set your prices the way you do.

Pricing really can make the difference between success and failure, so it’s not something to leave up to chance. I love how Bryan makes it all so clear and so possible to achieve.

#3. Email Templates for Hard Conversations

by Jasmine Star (Reg. $49.98)

Confrontation scares me silly. And tough emails from clients? Just thinking about those gives me a queasy stomach. So when I saw that Jasmine Star had included actual email templates – word for word responses to some of the toughest messages you’ll ever receive as a photographer? Well, first I wished that I had these like 10 years ago. And second I was so glad that someone had created them to make the lives of so many photographers a little easier.

Because you know what? Taking care of clients is just as important as taking amazing photographs. But it’s not always butterflies and roses and holding hands skipping through fields. So it’s incredibly helpful to know you have something that can guide you through those scary times, and hopefully get out the other side with clients who are even happier!

#4. Salesographer

by Chris Scott (Reg. $130.00)

When we switched to in-person sales with our photography business, we saw a crazy leap in the average sales for each session. Like, so crazy I would have never believed it was possible if I didn’t do it myself – regularly. But sales is NOT something I am good at, and is yet another thing that makes me all nervous and sweaty. So I definitely promise you if I can do it, you can be amazing at it.

And this course from Chris Scott shows you exactly how to make great sales, including workflow tips, rookie mistakes to avoid, and a bunch of helpful tools like a pricing calculator, order form templates and a ton more!

#5. Business Action Planner Toolkit for Photographers

by Corwin Hiebert (Reg. $50.00)

Corwin Hiebert is a management and marketing consultant to creative entrepreneurs. Basically his job is to help photographers rock at business. So his Business Action Planner is essentially your entire course on creating an amazing business, all in one place.

Now, here’s the thing. Learning all this stuff is step one. Step two is putting it into action. That’s the key. You have to take all this knowledge and do something with it. So I absolutely loved that this planner doesn’t just give you the info, but has some super duper handy Evernote notebooks that help you take action on it all! Yes!!


So, those are 5 that I really enjoyed, but it was definitely tough narrowing it down! With 27 different resources, from 22 different authors, this bundle is jam packed with goodness. The retail value is over $1,900! (And the bundle costs $87. Crazy).

Want to see the full list? And the four amazing charities that the team is working hard to raise $50,000 for? 

Click here to check out the bundle!


The post My 5 Favorite Resources in the 5DayDeal appeared first on Photography Concentrate.