Audio Podcast / Corey Barker / Inspiration / Levi Sim / matthew jordan smith / Pamela Ann Berry / Pamela Berry / Photofocus / Photographer / photography / Podcasts

Photofocus Podcast February 21st, 2016 Corey Barker & Matthew Jordan Smith

This week we catch up with two amazing artists making an impact on the industry.

First we hear from Corey Barker who dives into advice for those getting started and shares insight with his upcoming projects. Next Levi sits down with Matthew Jordan Smith who inspires everyone around him.

Get the show here  or get it on iTunes — Don’t forget to post a review on iTunes.

Corey Barker

Corey was an education and curriculum developer for the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), an award-winning designer and illustrator, the executive producer of, and a regular contributor to Photoshop User magazine. He is also a featured instructor at the Photoshop World Conference & Expo and is an Adobe MAX Master Instructor. He teaches the Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks seminar tour and has produced numerous DVD training titles on Photoshop and design for Kelby Training. Corey recently co-authored Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks with Scott Kelby and was a contributing author for 3D in Photoshop: The Ultimate Guide for Creative Professionals. Corey holds a BFA in Illustration from the Ringling School of Art & Design in Florida.

Corey and Pamela catch up about:

  • Favorite apps for inspiration
  • Favorite apps for inspiration
  • How to remember those creative ideas
  • Corey’s upcoming book
  • Sneak peek idea from the book
  • Upcoming training with Corey
  • advice on learning your craft
  • AR, VR, 3D technology  talk
  • up and coming designer inspiration
  • Where can you find Corey?

Matthew Jordan Smith

Matthew Jordan Smith is an American photographer based in Los Angeles. He has photographed some of the most famous people in the world – including the President of Iceland, Oprah Winfrey, and the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim. He is best known for his portraits of celebrities, actors, and models. His client list include Olay, Pantene, Revlon, Sony Entertainment, HBO and Showtime. His celebrity clients include Angela Bassett, Tyra Banks, Queen Latifah, Aretha Franklin and many more.

Mathew Jordan Smith and Levi discuss: 

  •  What is his speciality?
  • How did Mathew start with photography?
  • How he loves to teach?
  • There are no secrets
  • Building relationships and why that is so important.
  • What is Matthew working on?
  • Future American President book.
  • What everybody wants?
  •  Where can we catch up with Matthew?

This Post Sponsored by:

Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. Get a free trial of the award winning plug-in here.

The HDR Learning Center. Check out new ways to use High Dynamic Range photography to make compelling images. Free tutorials and posts to get results. Produced in partnership with HDRsoft

Lighting Survey. Take the chance to win an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus. Respond to a 5 minute survey regarding lighting equipment for photographers — Learn photography anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace—from bite-sized tutorials to comprehensive courses. Try free for 10 days by visiting


Filed under: Audio Podcast, Podcasts Tagged: Audio Podcast, Corey Barker, inspiration, Levi Sim, matthew jordan smith, Pamela Ann Berry, Pamela Berry, Photofocus, Photographer, photography