120 film / CineStill / Film, / large format / medium format

CineStill Hit Its Main Goal for 120 Film, Now Reaching for Large Format

CineStill 120 Medium Format Film

CineStill’s crowdfunding efforts to make 120 roll film for medium format cameras hit its main goal of $120,000 in contributions. It took 20 days to make that happen and there are still 5 days left to try to hit a couple of key stretch goals.

If the contributions hit $150,000, special order CineStill sheet film for large format cameras becomes available as perks. Then, if the contributions somehow reach $190,000, CineStill 120 roll film in 50Daylight becomes available as an option in addition to the 800T 120 roll film that is now a done deal.


As I write this, CineStill is over $123,000, so large format is still a serious possibility. However, an additional $67k seems like quite the stretch to get to the 50Daylight perk.

If you still shoot film and care about its future, CineStill is one of the companies catering to you and it makes sense to show a little love with a roll of film (or five). You can learn more about the CineStill medium format campaign and see all the available perks here on Indiegogo.

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