Ever since CineStill released the CineStill 800T 35mm film in 2012, it has had requests pouring in for a 120 version of its 800T film. It looks like that’s finally going to happen.
A newly-launched Indiegogo campaign has achieved almost 50% of its funding goal in a single day – and there are 24 days left to go for CineStill 120 film.
CineStill’s 800T 35mm film has been extremely popular and is highly-regarded among its users. Right now, the choices are slim for 120 roll ISO 800 film (*that’s just Kodak Porta 800 if you didn’t click). CineStill would be adding further options with its 800T as a tungsten balanced film.

CineStill 800T 120 Beta by Sandy Phimester
It is produced from rolls of 65mm motion picture stock but is developed using standard C-41 processing. While there have been other companies to “repackage” motion picture film (anyone remember using Seattle Film Works in the 80s and 90s?), CineStill is the only one to successfully provide a C-41 processing solution for repurposed motion picture film.

CineStill 800T Beta 120 by Laura Partain
The beta tests for the new 120 film looks promising.

CineStill 800T 120 Beta by Adam Goldberg
The early bird offers are already sold out, but you can still claim a roll of CineStill 120 film for $15, along with a CineStill sticker pack. Additional backer perks offer discounts for bulk purchases. CineStill expects to deliver the film to backers in July 2016 and it should hit retail shelves by 2017.
Check out the Indiegogo campaign for more.
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