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6 Powerful Reasons Why All Photographers Need Facebook Pages

Why Photographers Need A Facebook PageHi there everyone,


It’s Ed a.k.a Edrenalin here, editor of, bringing you insights from the inside.


I’m constantly intrigued when I discover that out of the numerous photography businesses I’ve helped, the majority of them do not have a Facebook page for their business. Sure, these photographers had a personal Facebook profile, however, when it came to having a dedicated page for their photography, this was non-existent. I see this over and over again, and I can tell you that they are missing out on a great marketing tool in their business tool belts.


However, I have to insert a disclaimer here, in that not every business will benefit from having a Facebook page for their business. It really depends on what kind of clients you are after for your business. For those of you who are looking for clients to make contact with you to book you then a Facebook page would be an ideal platform for you. If not, you can still create a Facebook page but there may be other social media platforms that may be more relevant to your market.


Top 6 reasons why you need a Facebook Page for your business (even if you don’t have a photography business yet).


1. It’s free as long as you are connected on Facebook with a personal account. It won’t cost you anything to create a Facebook business page and it’s pretty quick and easy to set up so give it a go, you have nothing to lose.


2. Having a recognisable authority website such a Facebook, talking about your website provides bonus points for SEO. Not all social media accounts pass on “SEO link juice” these days (the reason for this is to prevent online scammers from abusing these social media platforms) however having a Facebook page is a great way to increase the visibility of your photography business, on Facebook and Google searches.


3. Not only can people see friends that they know like and interact with your page, they can read the reviews and the feedback that people leave in the comments, to work out if you are a reputable photography business or not. People trust what their friends say more than what what you say. It’s one thing for you to talk about how great you are with your photography business, but it’s another when they hear it (or read it) from people they know, trust or relate to.  


4. Potential clients who want to send a message to you on your website for an enquiry or booking might want to first know how quickly will you reply back to them (and whether you are still in business or on holiday). They may check out your Facebook page, since Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, and see what you are currently up to, and check up on your most recent posts.


5. It allows your target audience to discover your photography business outside your website. By having a Facebook page you have another web property with a sizeable audience that potential clients can find out about you and your photography, even if they don’t know what the web address of your photography website is (or even if you don’t have one yet).


6. And here is one of the most important reasons – If you don’t have a Facebook page yet, you can guarantee that your competitors already do and they are communicating with your potential clients before you get the chance to. This is the reality in today’s competitive marketplace and a lot of photographers are losing potential business because they haven’t jumped on board Facebook yet and join the conversation.


So if you are hesitating or been thinking about starting a Facebook page for a long time but haven’t done so yet, I recommend that you do so right away for the reasons stated in this article. Do not worry if it doesn’t look perfect the first time. Remember that progress is better than perfection, and you can always close the page down or make edits to it later if it’s not to your satisfaction.


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