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5 Killer Reasons Why Photographers Need Social Media


Hey there everyone,


This is Ed a.k.a Edrenalin, the editor of FashionPhotographyBlog.comhere to bring you insights from the inside.


After all of my client’s photography businesses I’ve helped improve, one thing is common across each and everyone one of them, they wanted to have a presence online and they wanted to be on social media. That’s understandable since that’s where all the major businesses across every industry is moving towards. However, when I asked them why they wanted to be on social media and what they wanted social media to do for them, they couldn’t answer the question. At the end of the day, they felt that they needed to be on social media because everyone else told them they had to.


So how can you work towards your social media objectives if you don’t know what they are in the first place? Don’t despair though, because if you are thinking similarly in this way, then you are not alone. It is a common misconception amongst photographers and creatives based on the encounters that I’ve come across. I’m going to share with you what I share with them to help clear up the reasons why you should consider incorporating social media in your own marketing strategies for your photography business.


Top 5 reasons why photographers need social media today


1. Social media accounts proves that there is a real person behind the photography business and that you didn’t just “open shop” yesterday. The accounts establish that the business has history and participates in dialogue and that you are active online.


2. Google now is starting to incorporate social signals from your social media accounts as a factor in their SEO algorithms to determine the relevancy and engagement of your website when deciding to show your website on the search results pages. The weight social signals has in this algorithm is unknown and is locked away in the unbreakable vaults of Google however, I can confirm that it is now a factor.


3. Your target audience can see social proof based on what others are saying about your photography business in your social media accounts such as in your comments and reviews section.


4. Potential business partners and magazine editors, might want to see how engaged are your followers. If they do business with you or publish your work, then you publish the news on your social media accounts, they might want to know how many people following you would actually know about it and get eyeballs to their brand.


5. Not everyone will know your website address, before they know about your business. With social media you are able to engage with your target audience in other social networks and hang out where they hang out. Here’s a question, how many people visit your website every day? and now how many people visit Facebook every day? which is the greater number?


The concept behind social media marketing is that you are participating in discussions with communities of these larger social networks, “borrow” them from these established networks and introduce them to your photography business.  


If there is one thing that you can do to improve your business this year, is to get onto social media for your business to increase the online presence for you.


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