701D / audio recorder / DR-701D / hdslr / Tascam / XLR

Tascam’s New DR-701D Recorder Offers HDMI I/O and Timecode Sync


Tascam has had a solid range of XLR audio recorders that we’ve come to love for HDSLR video work. The latest Tascam DR-701D retains the functional design of the DR-70D and adds the very useful HDMI input and output. 

The great thing about the HDMI input on the DR-701D is that it will sync with DSLRs that have the ability to send timecode over HDMI and can be start and stopped using the record button on the camera.


Here are the details from Tascam on how the new timecode features work on the DR-701D:

The built-in SMPTE generator allows the camera and DR-701D to store the same location reference. Several options are available to integrate SMPTE LTC into your camera system. The BNC timecode input can follow a source signal, or can be “jamsynced” a few times per day for independant freewheel operation. Cameras that send timecode through their HDMI output can be followed by the DR-701D’s timecode input. And the internal generator can be started without an external reference for a simple time-of-day stamp on recorded BWAV files.

You can also slave multiple units using the HDMI I/O for syncing the start and stop recording and monitoring additional sources on the slave units.


It retains the four XLR inputs found on the DR-70D, which also offer switchable phantom power, and offers the camera mini jack in and out as well.

The Tascam DR-701D retails for $599. Check it out here at B&H Photo.

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