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Hasselblad Lunar, Stellar and HV Sony Clones are Still at Clearance Prices

Hasselblad Lunar

Back when Hasselblad launched the Lunar, Stellar and HV cameras that are essentially clones of Sony cameras, I found them offensive because of the ridiculous prices Hasselblad was asking for slapping its name on a Sony camera.

Now that the prices have dropped to what a reasonable Sony camera would cost, these cameras are a little more attractive. I suspect that these prices are the result of retailers clearing out the stock on Hasselblad’s failed experiment and once they are gone, they will be gone for good.

The underlying tech is still solid. And the Hasselblad customizations look nice, but not $5000 nice.

While they last, you can still find them at “normal” prices here at B&H Photo (with free next day delivery).

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