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Did You Know B&H Will Give a Refund if You Buy a Camera and it Goes on Sale within 30 Days?


I learned something new the other day. After seeing that the Tascam DR-70D dropped $50 in price on the B&H Photo website after I paid $299 for it earlier a couple weeks prior, I opened up a the live chat window on B&H’s website and asked if they would give me credit for the price drop.

They did.

Then, I asked about the EOS M10 I bought that had dropped another $50 in price. I got credit for that too.

I asked the representative if this is normal policy and he told me that it is for regular items within the past 30 days. I’ve been shopping at B&H for maybe two decades now and didn’t know this policy existed.

I followed up with someone I stay in touch with through my Photography Bay relationship to ask for specifics on this policy. Basically, it follows the return policy because you could always return a product and then repurchase it within that 30 day window. So, refunding the difference just makes sense.

However, he did caution that there could be exceptions for certain products or special offers so it’s best to call customer service (or open the chat window) to ask.

This is the kind of customer service I’ve grown to expect over the years at B&H Photo.

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