2nd curtain sync / Chicago / David Crewe / drag the shutter / Levi Sim / long exposure / off-camera flash / photography / Photowalk / rear curtain sync / shooting / speedlights / speedlites / Technique & Tutorials

Photofocus Photowalk: Lighting Up the Night in Chicago with Levi Sim & David Crewe

One city holds my heart for photowalks: Chicago. I’m stoked to be back there, and I hope you’ll join me for a fun photowalk making portraits downtown. We’ll use speedlights, so bring ’em if you have ’em, and if you don’t have any flashes, well then come on down and see what can be done. We’ll work together and make some frames. After the portraits, I’ll probably seek out a cityscape or two as well. I’m most pleased to be joined by my pal, David Crewe–a fine photographer, and a generous teacher who also writes for Photofocus.

This is a hands-on shooting time when you can practice various techniques, like dragging the shutter, long exposures, and light placement for the most flattering portraits. All skill levels are welcome!

Here are some pictures I’ve made during other photowalks in Chicago.


We’re really pleased to team up with Perfectly Clear and the gang at Out of Chicago for this event. This is a free event, and we’ve got several raffle prizes, including a license to Perfectly Clear, and a complimentary ticket to Scott Kelby’s Shoot Like a Pro Reloaded Tour on Friday (an excellent seminar). The photowalk is a hands-on shooting time: bring your camera and tripod with fresh batteries and empty memory card, and speedlights if you have them. I’ll be using Perfectly Clear with Lightroom and Photoshop to finish my pictures, later, and I encourage you to download the free trial and give it a shot and see how it can make a big impact on your work (they’re our sponsor, after all).


Wednesday December 2nd, 2015 at 7:00pm


Let’s meet in the lobby of the Hyatt at 151 E. Upper Wacker Dr. and we’ll head to the river walk below.
Be sure to check out Spot Hero to save on nearby parking.

What to Bring

Bring your camera with fresh batteries and memory cards. I’ll use speedlights and a tripod; bring your light stand and modifiers if you have them, but not so much stuff that you’re weighed down. I expect we’ll focus on portraits, but I’ll happily head out to find some cityscapes afterward, too. Bring a coat and hat–the weather forecast looks great, but it will be evening chilly–I can’t wait for the cozy looking, warm coat pictures we’ll make! Gloves are a good idea, too. Remember to bring a fun attitude, too 😀

Levi Sim is passionate about making photographs and helping others make their pictures better, too. Join him on Twitter and Instagram (@PhotoLevi), read more of his articles here, and join him for a photowalk in a city near you.

This Post Sponsored by:

Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. Get a free trial of the award winning plug-in here.

Lighting Survey. Take the chance to win an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus. Respond to a 5 minute survey regarding lighting equipment for photographers — http://bit.ly/lightingsurvey

Polarr photo editor: All the pro tools, in one place. Polarr brings the most advanced toolset right to your mobile. With curves, dehaze, denoise, custom filters, and more, Polarr makes it easy to edit online or offline. Get it free at https://www.polarr.co/

The HDR Learning Center. Check out new ways to use High Dynamic Range photography to make compelling images. Free tutorials and posts to get results. Produced in partnership with HDRsoft

Arizona Highways Photo Workshops. For more than 30 years, Arizona Highway Photo Workshops has been committed to helping photographers find inspiring destinations, quality education and spectacular images. Get more information (and enter our contest) at http://www.ahpw.org/FindIt/

Platypod Pro™– the world’s most compact camera support. Use it with your ballhead in place of a tripod. Click here for more info — http://bit.ly/platypodpro

lynda.com Learn photography anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace—from bite-sized tutorials to comprehensive courses. Try lynda.com free for 10 days by visiting lynda.com/Photofocus

Filed under: Photography, Shooting, Technique & Tutorials Tagged: 2nd curtain sync, Chicago, David Crewe, drag the shutter, Levi Sim, long exposure, off camera flash, Photowalk, rear curtain sync, speedlights, speedlites