family photos / Holiday / Inspiration / Thanksgiving

Bring Your Camera to Holiday Events… Others Will Thank You

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States.  A day that many come together with friends and family.  Around the world, we are entering into times of holiday celebration, reflection, and get-togethers.

This is a great time to bring your camera to functions.  Shooting candid portraits helps preserve memories for all who come.  Even if you do not thinking of yourself as a portrait photographer, but you’re likely the most qualified in the room.

Here are a few tips.

  • Pick up a Fast Lens.  Opening up the aperture will give you a pleasant shallow depth of field and let you shoot in lower light. A prime lens is one of the most affordable ways to shoot fast.
  • Leave the Flash at Home. While I use my flash plenty, its time to blend in and not stand out.
  • Bump up the ISO.  Chances are you’ll be shooting in lower light… cameras have gotten much better at using higher ISOs.  Take a few test shoots and be sure to zoom into 100% to check the noise.  You might be able to use a higher ISO than you’re used to.
  • Pack Light. Do you really need five lenses?  I typically pack two lenses.  One prime at portrait length (either a 50mm or 85mm).  I also pack a zoom for flexibility.  Toss in an extra battery or two and a large memory card and you should be good to go.  Can you bring a smaller street camera?  I’m shooting with my Fuji this year.
  • Give Your Brain a Rest.  Try using a mode on your camera that’s at least partially automatic.  Perhaps its Aperture Priority to control depth of field or one of the Intelligent or Creative Automatic modes.
  • Occasionally Hand Your Camera Over. While you’re spending time with friends and family, don’t forget to actually get in front of a lens.  You’ll want some memories preserved too.

Do you have any other practical tips for shooting holiday candids?

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Filed under: Inspiration Tagged: family photos, Holiday, Thanksgiving