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Reuters bans photographers from submitting raw files

Reuters has issued a worldwide ban on raw files from its freelance photographers, asking for original JPEGs to ensure images reflect ‘reality’.

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PetaPixel confirmed the change in policy, quoting a Reuters spokesperson who said, “As eyewitness accounts of events covered by dedicated and responsible journalists, Reuters Pictures must reflect reality. While we aim for photography of the highest aesthetic quality, our goal is not to artistically interpret the news.”

The move requires freelance photographers shooting for the agency to submit images that were originally saved to their cameras as JPEGs.

The news was announced to its photographers via an email from a Reuters picture editor, which PetaPixel got hold of; it reads:

“I’d like to pass on a note of request to our freelance contributors due to a worldwide policy change.. In future, please don’t send photos to Reuters that were processed from RAW or CR2 files. If you want to shoot raw images that’s fine, just take JPEGs at the same time. Only send us the photos that were originally JPEGs, with minimal processing (cropping, correcting levels, etc).”

The spokesperson said the change is also aimed at speeding up the time it takes to bring an image from the photographer in the field to the client.

What do you think of Reuters’ new policy – is it a step too far, or just what we need? Let us know in our poll below…


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