C300 Mark II / Canon

Canon C300 Mark II First Look with 4K Samples

Canon C300 Mark II

Magnanimous Media has put together a couple sample videos in its first look with the Canon C300 Mark II, which shoots 4K video and features Canon’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF functionality in the EF mount flavor. There’s also a PL mount option – but no autofocus (for obvious reasons). Coincidentally, the C300 Mark II is now shipping.

You can watch the 4K version of the sample footage in the YouTube version below.

Most of this footage was shot at ISO 4000 and on the Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens. The below video is more sample footage shot it daylight at lower sensitivity settings. You also get a sense of the flat look of the Canon Log 2 setting and then what it looks like graded.

If you want a good look at the feature set and tech behind the C300 Mark II, check out the video below from Zacuto that feature’s Canon’s Jon Sagud walking through the camera from top to bottom.

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