5Ds R / Canon / panorama

Here’s a 187MP Panorama from the Canon 5Ds R


The weather was crappy yesterday but I had to take a shot at heading out to the Smokies for one more look at the fall colors. It’s past peak and the atmosphere was pea soup in most places but I stopped at an overlook and shot a 9 frame panorama with the Canon 5Ds R and EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM lens, which you can see above.

The overall file size is 136.5MP for the exported JPEG and is 25,910 x 7,215 pixels (after stitching and cropping) for a whopping 186.94MP image. The stitched panorama Lightroom DNG file is 781.3MB with individual RAW files that make up the panorama weighing in at around 64MB each. Those 50MP files add up quick…

2Y1A0364-Pano-2 2

I took some 100% crops from the highlighted sections, which you can see below. I wish there wasn’t so much moisture in the air so we could have a better sense of the sharpness but Mother Nature was not having it.

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 11.44.04 PM

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 11.43.24 PM

You can download the full res image here.

Here’s another look at just how soupy it was out there from 6,600′ elevation and why we have white skies. Ugh.


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