
Photo Journal: Typewriter from Peru

I took this photo in 2010 on a trip to Peru. It was taken in the city of Pucallpa, which is on the banks of the Ucayali River, a tributary of the Amazon river.

This is one of my favorite photos. It was taken with film (when I had more patience and time to work with film). I love how worn out the typewriter looks, but that it still has a piece of paper in it ready to go! And the motorcycles in the background help set an incredible scene.

We had previously seen people set up with typewriters on the street in India, so it was neat to see them set up here in Peru as well. It’s difficult for me to imagine what life is like for the person who sits at this typewriter, or what life is like for the people who bring hand written notes or dictate letters to be typed out.

Hopefully they’re still typing letters in Peru by the time we get an opportunity to visit again.

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