Inspiration / Mason Marsh / photo walk / photography / Photowalk / shooting / Street

Photo Walk Like a Boss

Today is Scott Kelby’s 8th Annual Photo Walk and with almost 1,000 walks scheduled around the world, it’s your best chance to get out and photo walk like a boss. While the event is today, you should still find many events still have slots open and you can go walk and meet new friends.

Use the Kelby Photo Walk as a warm up for the Photofocus Photo Walks happening later this fall. If you haven’t photo walked before, (or even if you have), I’m here to help you make the very most of the occasion. Before you double knot your kicks and head out the door, heed these tips and prepare to step out in style, because photo walking isn’t just walking and it isn’t just about making photos.


Some photo walkers make the mistake of only bringing one or two cameras. It’s best to be prepared for any eventuality by bringing as much gear as you can carry. If you have a large backpack you should stuff it full. In addition to having every contingency covered, you will look like a serious photographer and as anyone can tell you, looking serious is seriously cool. The downside to carrying a ton of gear is you will be tired and sore, which may dampen your creativity a bit. If you can bring an assistant to carry your kit, you will maximize your coolness. If you end up shouldering a massive pack for the photo walk, please don’t gloat about being a mobile camera store. Just use what you bring and make the sweat worth it.

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These photo walkers come prepared. Bring what you will need, but not what you don’t.


It can be argued that less is more when it comes to photo walking. Nothing proclaims your confidence more than rolling up with a single camera and lens. By paring down your kit to a single camera, you will be forced to work within the confines of your gear’s limitations and that can be a great way to spawn creativity. It’s also a bonafide way to look like a true artist, so go for extra points by choosing an alternative to a big curvy DSLR. Gain major hipster cred with a vintage film camera like the Pentax K1000, or better yet a Holga or pinhole camera. Top it off with a funky strap and crank up the photo flair! If you opt for the solo camera, don’t be a tool and spend all of your time talking about how much better you are because of it.

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This photo walker knows how to roll. Notice the tripod and the killer sunset? He rocked it.



Every photo walk I have ever been on has featured a sunset. Some have even been spectacular. By bringing a tripod you will be able to properly capture the dramatic light at the end of the day and bring home some real keepers. If the thought of lugging around a tripod spoils your fun, consider some other means of support like the excellent PlatyPod. Don’t be the fool caught balancing their camera on a fence post, park bench or parked car. That’s rookie behavior and no one will think you’re a boss when your images have motion blur.


Want to up your photo walk game and make images that will stand out in the crowd? Bring some props. I’ve seen photo walkers bring ingenious props like figurines, crazy hats, and crystal balls and their creativity has had the rest of us saying, “man, I wish I’d thought of that!” Now you have thought of that. You’re welcome!

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Walk and talk. Don’t be a loner. Get to know your fellow photo walkers!


As the photo walk crowd moves from point to point, you can walk in stony silence like some loner creep, or engage your fellow walkers in some friendly banter. I’ve met truly fascinating and wonderful people on photo walks and if you bring some sort of calling card, you can easily turn this chance encounter into a lasting friendship. I love the little cards that produces and I always have a bundle of them in my pocket when I head out to photo walk. Chances are you decided to join the photo walk to meet other photographers, so take it to the next level by actually remembering their names when you get home. If you get some nice shots of your new friends on the walk, send them a copy. Even a photo walk with lousy light and mediocre scenery can prove to be a meaningful social event if you literally play your cards right.


As you meet your fellow photo walkers, be cautious not to become stuck with just one or two new friends. Mix it up and mingle with the group. Remember, photo walking is networking and networking is working with a net. The bigger the net the better the catch, but be careful not to be overly eager to meet everyone at the walk. First impressions are powerful and no one wants to be seen as the overeager mingler.


Most photo walks begin with a group photo and prizes. Yes, I said prizes! By being to the walk’s starting location early you will be able to find parking, use the bathroom and still make it the group photo on time. Most photo walks are now sponsored and supported by companies like Think Tank Photo and Fujifilm, so when you are there on time you are in the running for some really great prizes. I’ve won t-shirts, hats, software and even a Wacom tablet! At my latest photowalk several people left with camera bags and other valuable prizes.


I’ve heard people claim that photo walks are simply long walks to bars, and in my experience that is definitely the case. After a couple of hours of strolling and shooting, it’s very nice to sit down with your new friends and some adult beverages and swap stories. Some times these post-walk gatherings evaporate quickly, but the truly great walks will always carry on into the wee hours of the morning. Photographers often practice their craft in solitude, and while we may engage with our peers online the opportunities for face-to-face connections are rare. Photo walks are wonderful excuses to hangout with like-minded creatives. To make the most of your photo walk, I strongly encourage you to plan to stay up late and party with the gang. You can be a lonely photographer some other time.

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I made this panorama during the Photofocus photowalk in Portland last July.



You can come for the companionship and you can come to show off your expensive kit, but if you complete a photo walk without making some photographs, you are a poser. To photo walk like a boss, you need to photo while you walk. At every walk I’ve participated in I have seen a lot of people carrying cameras and shooting the breeze, and many never ever take any photos. Even if the light is disappointing, the scenery uninspiring, and the company distracting, you must be a photographer and expose your sensor (or film) to light. Cameras aren’t jewelry and camera bags aren’t fashion pieces. Photo walks are the communal celebration of photography. Make some damn photos!


Mason Marsh is a former photojournalist, tall ship captain, aerospace educator, tour guide and chimney sweep. The two constants in his scattered life have been photography and education. Now that he has settled down to raise his two children, Cooper and Claire, he works as a photographer educator, mentor and workshop leader. He is never bored.

Learn more about Mason and see his work at


This Post Sponsored by:

Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. Get a free trial of the award winning plug-in here.

Polarr photo editor made for everyone – yes everyone deserves high quality photo editing tools, regardless of the type of camera you use and level of skills, regardless the platform, no matter the place. Polarr makes it easy to edit photos any place online or offline. Get it free at

The HDR Learning Center. Check out new ways to use High Dynamic Range photography to make compelling images. Free tutorials and posts to get results. Produced in partnership with HDRsoft

Arizona Highways Photo Workshops. For more than 30 years, Arizona Highway Photo Workshops has been committed to helping photographers find inspiring destinations, quality education and spectacular images. Get more information (and enter our contest) at

Platypod Pro™– the world’s most compact camera support. Use it with your ballhead in place of a tripod. Click here for more info —

Creative Cloud Photography planTake your best shot and make it even better with the Creative Cloud Photography plan. Get all the essential tools, including Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop, to craft incredible images every day, everywhere — whether you’re a beginner or a pro. It’s all your photography. All in one place. Learn photography anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace—from bite-sized tutorials to comprehensive courses. Try free for 10 days by visiting

Filed under: Inspiration, Photography, Shooting, Street Tagged: Mason Marsh, photo walk, photography, Photowalk

Inspiration / Mason Marsh / photo walk / photography / Photowalk / shooting / Street

Photo Walk Like a Boss

Today is Scott Kelby’s 8th Annual Photo Walk and with almost 1,000 walks scheduled around the world, it’s your best chance to get out and photo walk like a boss. While the event is today, you should still find many events still have slots open and you can go walk and meet new friends.

Use the Kelby Photo Walk as a warm up for the Photofocus Photo Walks happening later this fall. If you haven’t photo walked before, (or even if you have), I’m here to help you make the very most of the occasion. Before you double knot your kicks and head out the door, heed these tips and prepare to step out in style, because photo walking isn’t just walking and it isn’t just about making photos.


Some photo walkers make the mistake of only bringing one or two cameras. It’s best to be prepared for any eventuality by bringing as much gear as you can carry. If you have a large backpack you should stuff it full. In addition to having every contingency covered, you will look like a serious photographer and as anyone can tell you, looking serious is seriously cool. The downside to carrying a ton of gear is you will be tired and sore, which may dampen your creativity a bit. If you can bring an assistant to carry your kit, you will maximize your coolness. If you end up shouldering a massive pack for the photo walk, please don’t gloat about being a mobile camera store. Just use what you bring and make the sweat worth it.

MasonMarsh (1 of 1)-4

These photo walkers come prepared. Bring what you will need, but not what you don’t.


It can be argued that less is more when it comes to photo walking. Nothing proclaims your confidence more than rolling up with a single camera and lens. By paring down your kit to a single camera, you will be forced to work within the confines of your gear’s limitations and that can be a great way to spawn creativity. It’s also a bonafide way to look like a true artist, so go for extra points by choosing an alternative to a big curvy DSLR. Gain major hipster cred with a vintage film camera like the Pentax K1000, or better yet a Holga or pinhole camera. Top it off with a funky strap and crank up the photo flair! If you opt for the solo camera, don’t be a tool and spend all of your time talking about how much better you are because of it.

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This photo walker knows how to roll. Notice the tripod and the killer sunset? He rocked it.



Every photo walk I have ever been on has featured a sunset. Some have even been spectacular. By bringing a tripod you will be able to properly capture the dramatic light at the end of the day and bring home some real keepers. If the thought of lugging around a tripod spoils your fun, consider some other means of support like the excellent PlatyPod. Don’t be the fool caught balancing their camera on a fence post, park bench or parked car. That’s rookie behavior and no one will think you’re a boss when your images have motion blur.


Want to up your photo walk game and make images that will stand out in the crowd? Bring some props. I’ve seen photo walkers bring ingenious props like figurines, crazy hats, and crystal balls and their creativity has had the rest of us saying, “man, I wish I’d thought of that!” Now you have thought of that. You’re welcome!

MasonMarsh (1 of 1)-3

Walk and talk. Don’t be a loner. Get to know your fellow photo walkers!


As the photo walk crowd moves from point to point, you can walk in stony silence like some loner creep, or engage your fellow walkers in some friendly banter. I’ve met truly fascinating and wonderful people on photo walks and if you bring some sort of calling card, you can easily turn this chance encounter into a lasting friendship. I love the little cards that produces and I always have a bundle of them in my pocket when I head out to photo walk. Chances are you decided to join the photo walk to meet other photographers, so take it to the next level by actually remembering their names when you get home. If you get some nice shots of your new friends on the walk, send them a copy. Even a photo walk with lousy light and mediocre scenery can prove to be a meaningful social event if you literally play your cards right.


As you meet your fellow photo walkers, be cautious not to become stuck with just one or two new friends. Mix it up and mingle with the group. Remember, photo walking is networking and networking is working with a net. The bigger the net the better the catch, but be careful not to be overly eager to meet everyone at the walk. First impressions are powerful and no one wants to be seen as the overeager mingler.


Most photo walks begin with a group photo and prizes. Yes, I said prizes! By being to the walk’s starting location early you will be able to find parking, use the bathroom and still make it the group photo on time. Most photo walks are now sponsored and supported by companies like Think Tank Photo and Fujifilm, so when you are there on time you are in the running for some really great prizes. I’ve won t-shirts, hats, software and even a Wacom tablet! At my latest photowalk several people left with camera bags and other valuable prizes.


I’ve heard people claim that photo walks are simply long walks to bars, and in my experience that is definitely the case. After a couple of hours of strolling and shooting, it’s very nice to sit down with your new friends and some adult beverages and swap stories. Some times these post-walk gatherings evaporate quickly, but the truly great walks will always carry on into the wee hours of the morning. Photographers often practice their craft in solitude, and while we may engage with our peers online the opportunities for face-to-face connections are rare. Photo walks are wonderful excuses to hangout with like-minded creatives. To make the most of your photo walk, I strongly encourage you to plan to stay up late and party with the gang. You can be a lonely photographer some other time.

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I made this panorama during the Photofocus photowalk in Portland last July.



You can come for the companionship and you can come to show off your expensive kit, but if you complete a photo walk without making some photographs, you are a poser. To photo walk like a boss, you need to photo while you walk. At every walk I’ve participated in I have seen a lot of people carrying cameras and shooting the breeze, and many never ever take any photos. Even if the light is disappointing, the scenery uninspiring, and the company distracting, you must be a photographer and expose your sensor (or film) to light. Cameras aren’t jewelry and camera bags aren’t fashion pieces. Photo walks are the communal celebration of photography. Make some damn photos!


Mason Marsh is a former photojournalist, tall ship captain, aerospace educator, tour guide and chimney sweep. The two constants in his scattered life have been photography and education. Now that he has settled down to raise his two children, Cooper and Claire, he works as a photographer educator, mentor and workshop leader. He is never bored.

Learn more about Mason and see his work at


This Post Sponsored by:

Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. Get a free trial of the award winning plug-in here.

Polarr photo editor made for everyone – yes everyone deserves high quality photo editing tools, regardless of the type of camera you use and level of skills, regardless the platform, no matter the place. Polarr makes it easy to edit photos any place online or offline. Get it free at

The HDR Learning Center. Check out new ways to use High Dynamic Range photography to make compelling images. Free tutorials and posts to get results. Produced in partnership with HDRsoft

Arizona Highways Photo Workshops. For more than 30 years, Arizona Highway Photo Workshops has been committed to helping photographers find inspiring destinations, quality education and spectacular images. Get more information (and enter our contest) at

Platypod Pro™– the world’s most compact camera support. Use it with your ballhead in place of a tripod. Click here for more info —

Creative Cloud Photography planTake your best shot and make it even better with the Creative Cloud Photography plan. Get all the essential tools, including Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop, to craft incredible images every day, everywhere — whether you’re a beginner or a pro. It’s all your photography. All in one place. Learn photography anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace—from bite-sized tutorials to comprehensive courses. Try free for 10 days by visiting

Filed under: Inspiration, Photography, Shooting, Street Tagged: Mason Marsh, photo walk, photography, Photowalk