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Best Black Friday camera deals for photographers

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The biggest shopping day of the year is approaching in just a matter of weeks, and among all the bargains to be had are some pretty great camera deals for photographers. On this page over the following weeks leading up to Black Friday 2015 you’ll find links to all the best Black Friday camera deals from popular online retailers, as well as some specific deals we feel are particularly great offers.

But first…

What is Black Friday?

Most Americans will know, but if you live elsewhere in the world it might sound like an ominous date on the calendar.

So what is Black Friday, then, if it’s not a market crash or the end of days? Black Friday is the first Friday after Thanksgiving and is the busiest shopping day of the year for US retailers and their patrons. Why?

Many people in the US have this day off work, and as a result it’s historically been the day when people get a head start on their Christmas shopping. What’s more, most retailers offer their biggest discounts of the year on this day to encourage footfall (find some of the top deals in tech from TechRadar’s deals page).

But online retailers weren’t about to be left out. Many online shops offer their own incredible bargains on Black Friday and have even extended the fun to the following Monday – which has been dubbed with the less catchy Cyber Monday.

So when is Black Friday?

This year, 2015, Black Friday will fall on Friday 27 November.

How did Black Friday get its name?

Take your pick: some say it’s the day that retailers’ profits finally move into the black, although Wikipedia reckons that the true origin of the term comes from Philadelphia, where it referred to the disruptive pedestrian, and vehicle, traffic that occurred during the holiday.

Is Black Friday as big a deal as it seems?

Yes it is. Every year there are reports of fisticuffs as bargain-crazed shoppers beat each other up, partly because of the practice of using “doorbusters”: amazing and excruciatingly limited deals to attract as many customers as possible. US-based retailers such as Amazon are now keen to make it a tradition here in the UK, too.

Is Black Friday connected to Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday is the Monday immediately after Black Friday, and it was invented in 2005 in an attempt to create an online equivalent of Black Friday. What this has resulted in now, though, is an entire four-day weekend of hot deals both in store and online.

What are the best Black Friday deals for photographers?

Many popular online retailers have set up Black Friday deals pages, which we’ve linked to below. We’ll also be posting specific deals that we believe are too awesome and bargainous to be ignored as and when we find them.

Looking for deals on specific products or types of products? Then watch this space, as when the Black Friday camera deals start getting published, we’ll update this page with all of the best offers!


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The post Best Black Friday camera deals for photographers appeared first on Digital Camera World.