gear / iphone

Demo of Apple Live Photos

Check out this quick demo of Live Photos! In this video I’ll show you how to view a Live Photo, how to take a Live Photo, how to turn Live Photos off, and how to disable the motion in Live Photos that you’ve already taken.

The Apple iPhone 6S and 6S Plus launched a few days ago. Our iPhones arrived on launch day and we’ve been spending some time exploring one of the newest features: Live Photos.

The video above is a quick intro to Live Photos, we’ll be sharing more as we use the phones more.

A few things we’ve learned so far:

  • Live Photos are cool, they really bring your photos to life!
  • There are definitely situations where Live Photos are unnecessary, or pointless (like taking a picture of a document). It’s really easy to turn Live Photos off (which I show you how to do in the video above).
  • The video quality of the Live Photos is not great. It’s 15 frames per second at a resolution of 960×720. It’s a bit disappointing, but hopefully future versions of Live Photos allow higher quality.
  • It takes practice to shoot a good Live Photo. Since 1.5 seconds of video is recorded before you even press the shutter release button, it’s a bit disorienting setting up for a shot (ie. getting into position to take a photo, holding still for 1.5 seconds, then pressing the shutter release, then holding still for another 1.5 seconds).

Stay tuned for more posts on Live Photos as we continue to explore this exciting new feature!

The post Demo of Apple Live Photos appeared first on Photography Concentrate.