250MP / APS-H / Canon / Canon Expo / Canon Expo 2015 / Prototype

Canon 250MP Prototype Sensor & Camera on Display at Canon Expo

Canon 250MP Prototype Sensor

Another prototype product that I was anxious to see at the Canon Expo in New York was the new 250MP CMOS sensor and camera.

Canon 250MP Prototype Sensor-6

The camera sure wasn’t much to look at. It is just a big, red box with some BNC ports on the side.

Canon 250MP Prototype Sensor-3

What looks like a DIY EF mount was fashioned on the front of the metal box to accommodate the large Canon EF 800mm f/5.6L IS USM lens.

Canon 250MP Prototype Sensor-4

As with other prototype Canon sensors, this is an APS-H form factor with 5x the megapixel count as the Canon EOS 5Ds.

Canon 250MP Prototype Sensor-2

As with the other “in development” products, there is no time table for when (or even if) this sensor will find its way into a future camera.

Canon 250MP Prototype Sensor-5

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