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Apple iPhone 6s Features 4K Video and 12MP Sensor with “Live” Photos

iPhone 6s

Yesterday, Apple announced the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, among a number of other new products. Notably, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will see an upgrade in the resolution of the rear camera. This marks the first resolution upgrade to the camera since the iPhone 4S launched in 2011.

12MP is hardly a shocking resolution upgrade in today’s world of 50MP DSLRs and 120MP DSLRs around the corner; however, it is important because Apple is also adding 4K video capture.

Apple’s endorsement of 4K video resolution will likely drive the consumer market even faster to 4K televisions and complementary 4K capture devices. Now, that virtually everyone will be carrying a 4K video camera in their pocket, it will be hard to stay away from it.

In addition to the resolution upgrades, Apple is also adding a new feature that it calls “Live Photos.” Apple is capturing frames before and after the still image and providing a short motion segment to go along with the still image.

Live Photos can be turned off, if desired, but it works entirely in the background. You can cue the image to show its motion components by 3D Touching it. 3D Touch is similar to Force Touch, which is a feature we first saw in the new MacBook but it has now trickled down to the iPhone with several features integrated into the iPhone’s operation.

Here’s a short demo of how Live Photos works on the new iPhone:

Live Photos will be integrated into other parts of the iPhone and can be seen across all Apple devices, including the iPad, Watch and in Mac OS X El Capitan.

Apple Retina Flash

For the selfie photo addicts out there, Apple has turned the display into a flash for the front-facing camera, which Apple is calling Retina Flash. It uses Apples True Tone Flash to match the lighting around you and dials in the right color temperature for your 5MP selfie on the front camera.

Additionally, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus get a new A9 processor, which helps the phones crunch the extra data from the camera. You can even edit 4K video on your iPhone 6s in iMovie.

iPhone 6s iMovie

The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will be available for pre-order on Saturday, September 12 with availability set for September 25.

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