1200mm / 200-500mm / b&H / b&h photo / Canon / lens / Lenses, / Sigma

$200K Lens Deal: Canon 1200mm f/5.6L and Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8


B&H has a pair massive lenses on display in its used department right now and are a couple of real deals. You can grab the pair of lenses for $197,000 total.

First up is the Canon EF 1200mm f/5.6L USM lens, which I’ve posted about several times before. It looks like there have been no takers on this lens in the past few months.

Photo Sep 09, 5 01 29 PM

You can get this lens or you could by a decent house in the suburbs. Who needs a house though?


Next up is the Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 with an included 2x teleconverter for an epic 400-1000mm f/5.6 lens option. Compared to the Canon, the Sigma is a bargain at just $17,000 – or roughly the price of a used Honda.

Photo Sep 09, 5 17 05 PM

Again, who needs a car?

In case you were wondering, B&H offers free expedited shipping on both just in case you need them for the weekend.

Check them out via the B&H Used Dept. below:

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