ammo / Drones / guns / shooting

‘Drone Munition’ is (Unfortunately) a Real Thing


I think we’ve come full circle on drones now.

Snake River Shooting Products is now making and selling 12 gauge shotgun ammo labeled as Drone Munition. I kid you not.

This ammunition is being marketed on fear of a coming Drone Apocalypse to people who are probably a little too hyped up about other kinds of apocalypses already. 


I’m all for people being able to own and safely use firearms. I own a few myself. In the rural area that I live in, everybody owns guns. It’s just normal around here. But shooting down drones is illegal and the chances of a DJI Phantom attacking you in some sort of apocalypse are slimmer than a 747 crashing into your house.

Zombie Max Ammo

I even understand the zombie apocalypse ammo that you see on some gun store shelves. I think it’s stupid, but zombies aren’t real and if they were, it probably wouldn’t be illegal to shoot them.

The idiocy of this ammunition is that it nearly justifies to the buyer that they are entitled to shoot down drones because of “THE INVASION OF PRIVACY!” as the box says. Most of the drones up in the air today are better described as toys than some sort of spy tool. I can appreciate the need for regulation in certain areas relating to drones but suggesting to customers that they can take matters into their own hands and shoot drones out of the sky is bad business.

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